Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Apples, Oh Boy! - Kelly

Have you gone apple picking yet? It seems as if facebook and other social media sites are being bombarded with pictures of people and their adventures to local orchards. I myself have joined the apple harvest craze when I visited Scott's Orchard in East Lyme, CT last weekend. My boyfriend is often tempted to eat apples right off the trees. I discouraged him when I warned him of the chemicals and pesticides that they might have sprayed as well as bacteria carried from animals and insects that could be on the fruit. Personally, it's worth waiting the drive home to wash and sanitize the apples before consuming them. SaniDate Ready to Use Fruit & Vegetable Wash is a product I use to ensure the apples I bring home are actually clean, it puts this germaphobe's mind at ease. Enjoy some pictures of my apple adventure below!

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